This presentation reviews the issues and processes the University of Missouri used in the integration of their student information system with Blackboard Learn. Attendees will learn how the project team succeeded in implementing the new SIS Framework after just completing a Snapshot Flat File integration.
The University of Missouri wanted to improve data integration between their student information system and Blackboard Learn. During the improvement project, Blackboard introduced the new SIS Framework and deprecated the Snapshot process. The project team changed the project scope to include use of the SIS Framework. This presentation reviews the process, issues, and lessons learned during the project.
Attendees should come away with a better understanding of the new SIS Framework and how to plan and implement a migration from the snapshot process. These include how the now deprecated snapshot process parallels the new SIS Framework and how feed files (such as flat files) will need to be changed for use in the new process. The presentation will include examples of the integration process.
Terry Patterson, LMS Application Administrator
Jeremy Wiebold, Student Information Systems Programmer
Blackboard World 2013
Blackboard Developers Conference 2013
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